Building Construction
Scope of Business
Since the 1980s, Chevalier (Construction) Company Limited has actively participated in many development projects in Hong Kong, including the redevelopment of public housing estates, the Private Sector Participation Scheme for the Hong Kong Housing Authority, construction of school buildings for primary, secondary and tertiary institutes, and a range of commercial, industrial, residential and shopping arcade projects for the private sector.

Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service Headquarters

Tuen Mun Hospital - Section 2 Works

The company’s relentless pursuit for excellence has led to the successful completion of numerous major projects of a diverse nature. The company also provides comprehensive maintenance services for buildings and will continue to implement prudent policies and closely monitor the performance of its sub-contractors in order to satisfactorily meet with budget, quality and time requirements of each project.
1. Building and Construction services
Public housing estates
Education institutes
Commercial & industrial buildings
Shopping arcades
Private Sector Participation Scheme (PSPS) projects
2. Building Maintenance
Construction of Government Complex in Area 14, Tuen Mun
Expansion of the Blood Transfusion Service Headquarters at King's Park Rise, Kowloon
Construction of Two Special Schools at Sung On Street, To Kwa Wan
Property Development at West Rail Long Ping Station (North), Yuen Long
On-Campus Expansion of Wanchai Campus of The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, Wanchai
Residential Development at TKOTL 117, Tseung Kwan O
Construction of Sports Centre in Area 4, Tsing Yi
Nominated Sub-contract of Interior Fitting Out Works for Wholesale Conversion of the General Garment Factory Building at No. 100 - 110 Kwai Cheong Road, Kwai Chung
Residential Development at No. 140 - 146 Camp Street, Sham Shui Po (The Met. Delight)
Renovation Works at Shatin Racecourse
Residential Development at No. 1 Broadcast Drive, Kowloon Tong (One Mayfair)
Residential Development at Lot. TMTL 449, Tsing Fat Lane, Area 58, Siu Lam, Tuen Mun
Residential Development at Junction of Plover Cove Road & Po Wu Lane, Tai Po (The Golden Gate)
Redevelopment of Shatin Pass Estate for Hong Kong Housing Authority
External Wall Renovation Works at YKK Building (Phase I, II & Ill), Tuen Mun
Academic 2 of City University of Hong Kong
The Hong Kong Community College at KIL 11176 West Kowloon, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
The Hong Kong Community College at KIL 11163 Hung Hom, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Extension of Fanling Lutheran Secondary School, Fanling
Godown Building at Lot. No. FSSTL 114 Lok Yip Road, On Lok Tsuen, Fanling
Hong Kong Wetland Park
Gateway II, Tsim Sha Tsui
Hollywood Plaza & Galaxia, Diamond Hill
Landmark South
One North
Expansion of the Hong Kong Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service Headquarters
Extension of Operation Theatre Block for Tuen Mun Hospital - Section 2 Works
Conversion of Morse Park Swimming Pool Complex
The Praia
Registered General Building Contractor
Registered Specialist Contractor (Demolition Works)
Works Branch, Development Bureau
Buildings (Group C)
Hong Kong Housing Authority
Building Contractor (NW2)
Hong Kong Housing Society
Building Contractor (contract of any value)
Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency
ISO 9001 CC140 Certification - Construction of Buildings
ISO 14001 : 2004 Environmental Management System
OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health & Safety Management System
ISO 50001 : 2011 Energy Management System
Bronze Award (2015)
Construction of Sport Centre in Area 4, Tsing Yi (ASD Contract
No. SSB506)
Outstanding Environmental Management & Performance Award (Public Works) - Merit Award
Construction of Sport Centre in Area 4, Tsing Yi (ASD Contract
No. SSB506)
Bronze Award (2007)
Two Primary Schools in Area 13, Yuen Long (Contract No.
Outstanding Environmental Management & Performance Grand Award - Silver Award (2007)
Two Primary Schools in Area 13, Yuen Long (Contract No.
Merit Award (2005)
Proposed New Secondary & Primary School at Ma On Shan Area 908,
STTL 522, Shatin
Outstanding Environmental Management & Performance Grand Award - Gold Award (2004)
International Wetland Park and Visitor Centre at Tin Shui Wai
Phase II Works (Contract No. SSL350)
Hong Kong Green Building Council Limited - Green Building Award
Merit Award (2010)
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University - Hong Kong Community
College (West Kowloon Campus)
Merit Award (2008)
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University - Hong Kong Community
College (Hung Hom Bay Campus)
Architectural Services Department - Green Contractor
Gold Award (2007)
Two Primary Schools in Area 13, Yuen Long (Contract No.
Silver Award (2003)
International Wetland Park and Visitor Centre at Tin Shui Wai
Phase II Works (Contract No. SSL350)
A Primary School in Lam Tin Estate Redevelopment at Kwun Tong
(Contract No. SSK338)
Occupational Safety and Health Council - Construction Safety Promotional Campaign
Best Method Statement - Gold Award (2015)
The On-Campus Expansion at Wanchai Campus of The Hong Kong
Academy for Performing Arts
Construction Industry Safety Award Scheme
Building Sites (Public Sector) - Bronze Award (2014 - 2015)
Construction of Sport Centre in Area 4, Tsing Yi (ASD Contract
No. SSB506)
Silver Award (2008 - 2009)
Redevelopment of Shatin Pass Estate for Hong Kong Housing
Merit Award (2007 - 2008)
Redevelopment of Shatin Pass Estate for Hong Kong Housing
Address: 22/F, Chevalier Commercial Centre, 8 Wang Hoi Road, Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2318 1818
Fax: (852) 2796 0987