Civil Engineering & Infrastructure
Scope of Business
Chevalier (Civil Engineering) Limited was founded in 1992 and is dedicated to providing a high standard of civil engineering service. With the successful completion of many major reclamation contracts and port works, together with associated roads and drainage works in the region, the company is one of the major civil engineering contractors in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong

Development at Area 137 -
Stage 1 & Stage 2

Phase III
Equipped with marine engineering expertise and specialized equipment, the company is capable of handling large-scale infrastructure projects in accordance with the relevant project requirements in terms of quality, safety, environmental protection and hygienic requirements.
Dredging and reclamation
Seawall and breakwater construction
Submarine outfall and pipeline construction
Roads and drainage works
Port works repair and maintenance and miscellaneous marine services
Central Reclamation Phase 1 - Seawall Construction and Associated Works
Construction of Hei Ling Chau Typhoon Shelter - Remaining Works
Construction of Pier at Gemini Point for Ma Wan Marine Traffic Control Station
Construction of Seawall, Reclamation and Drainage Works at Cha Kwo Ling
Duplicate Tsing Yi South Bridge Marine Works & Outfalls
Jordan Road Reclamation Phase III & Remaining Engineering Works
Lamma Power Station Stage III – C.W. Culvert System Marine Outfall
Lantau Fixed Crossing - Kap Shui Mun Bridge & Ma Wan Viaducts - Marine Works
Maintenance & Repairs to Seawall, Piers and other Port Works (1996 - 1997), (1998 - 1999) & (2000 - 2001)
Ramble Channel Bridge Supply & Installation of Seawater Intake & Outfall - Drainage Works
Ting Kau Bridge and Approach Viaduct - Seawalls, Central Island Construction and Reclamation
Tseung Kwan O Port Development at Area 137 - Stage 1 & Stage 2
Port Works (Group C / On probation)
Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency
ISO 9001:2008 CC1438 Certification - Construction and maintenance of civil engineering works
Address: 22/F, Chevalier Commercial Centre, 8 Wang Hoi Road, Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2318 1818
Fax: (852) 2796 0987